Feedstock Recycling

Refiniti Was Formed To Bring Together Leading Technologies In The Field Of Feedstock Recycling For Polymers. We aim to tackle the difficult materials unsuitable for traditional recycling methods and in doing so, complement rather than compete with mechanical recycling, to increase overall recycling rates of plastic waste.








Our Unique Approach to The Plastic Crisis

Pyrolysis is a relatively simple thermal cracking process that is well-known and widely used by the refining and chemical industry.

However, when dealing with post-consumer waste polymers such as plastic bags or car tyres, the quality of the oil produced has always been a significant limiting factor for its use to make new products. So much so that pyrolysis of plastics and tyres only represent a tiny fraction of the waste produced every day.

Rather than modifying or creating new pyrolysis reactor technology, we set out to address the chemical challenges of pyrolysis oils and thus advance current chemical recycling capabilities.

Our Solutions 





 Researcher at refiniti holding a bottle of pyrolysis oil


Our Chemical Separation Technology

At Refiniti, we developed patented chemical separation technology and knowhow to enable a higher utilisation rate of pyrolysis oil. This technology removes the chemical elements that are responsible for catalyst poisoning, instability and equipment fouling.

In our process we utilise methods with a focus on minimising energy consumption. The majority of our refining process is carried out at ambient temperatures and pressures to minimise the carbon footprint and offer a more sustainable approach to chemical recycling.

We have worked with simple batch pyrolysis reactors through to more complex continuous systems as well as a range of reactor conditions and feedstock types. This provides flexibility with which to create a full line system that is targeted to produce outputs with characteristics desired by individual sectors of the petrochemical industry.

Our Technology 



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To learn more about chemical recycling,

Please contact us at Refiniti